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Investment Advisory.
Investment Advisory

The EU Desk is a facilitation service within the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), dedicated to assisting European companies in better understanding the opportunities and processes of investing in Indonesia.

Upon its establishment in 2014 EU Desk was funded by the EU-Indonesia Trade Cooperation Facility until December 2016. Currently EU Desk is funded by the EU-Indonesia Business Network and offers a Europe-focused dimension to BKPM’s investment promotion and facilitation services.

The EU Desk will be happy to provide you with on the ground support.


EU Desk supports companies considering investing in Indonesia with: 

Insights & Market Intelligence

Looking for detailed insights into the market opportunity, national and regional capabilities and relevant incentives and regulations for your sector? The EU Desk can provide you with market intelligence.

A Customised Enquiry Handling Service

If you have specific questions relating to the investment process, regulations or market conditions and opportunities, the EU Desk offers a facilitation service to provide you with the answers you need.

Introductions & Support in Organising Visits

The EU Desk is your entry point to the Indonesian authorities and other stakeholders that can help you in Indonesia. If you’re planning a visit to Indonesia, the EU Desk can provide support with your itinerary.

Contact Us

The EU Desk at BKPM

Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM)

Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia

Lantai 6, Gedung Barli Halim

Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 44, Jakarta 12190 – INDONESIA

T : +62 21 5274802

E : triesti.prabawati@eibn.org, eu.desk@bkpm.go.id

Websites: www.eibn.org, www.bkpm.go.id

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  “I would like to congratulate the EIBN team for their professionalism. It is fantastic to work with a dynamic team who you know won’t...
Smruti Inamdar, IRELAND
“The professionalism of EIBN and their high-quality business services and network led to new synergies for Greek Manufacturers.“ When EIBN fir...
Helen Polychronopoulou, GREECE
“EIBN’s action on the ground consistently complements our diplomatic efforts and is an undoubtedly powerful resource for any EU Member State repr...
Cristian Epure, ROMANIA
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